Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce react to the budget 2016…

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Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce react to the budget 2016…

March 18, 2016 – 6:00 am |

Jane Gratton, Head of Policy at Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce said: “Small firms will find lots to cheer about in this Budget.
“Changes to business rates and lower corporation tax is welcome news and will help …

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Birmingham fundraising experts provide welcome boost for WWII Museum…

Submitted by on October 2, 2013 – 8:24 am |

Rodney Scott (Chairman of the Desert Rats Association), Rev. David Hanwell & Roy Hill (Royal Tank Regiment) at The Desert Rat Memorial Thetford ForestA charity that supports a legendary group of World War Two veterans has teamed up with Birmingham-based fundraising experts to boost its plans for an educational museum trail.

The initiative led by the Desert Rats Association aims to educate future generations on the legacy of the British 7th Armoured Division, which fought in the North Africa Campaign and later Italy and North West Europe during the 1940s conflict.

Fundraising specialists raisemore, based at Fort Dunlop, are partnering with the Association to create the Desert Rat Museum on the charity’s Thetford Forest memorial site, showcasing a collection of original battle pieces.

The major strategic partnership with raisemore will bring in the much-needed funds to complete the Desert Rat Museum. It is hoped that the funds raised will make an invaluable contribution to educating future generations on World War history.

The 7th Armoured Division was stationed at Thetford Forest, in 1944, the only time the division was in the UK in its entire existence. The Norfolk memorial site is a permanent commemoration to the bravery of the veterans.

Claire Healy, managing director of raisemore, was particularly delighted to make the announcement and said the prospect of supporting an educational initiative will be extremely rewarding. “The Desert Rats Association should be unquestionably proud of its achievements, and I believe our fundraising strategy will provide them with the final link in their chain,” said Claire.

“It’s important to remember that the charities we work with can benefit from our support without any up-front costs – all of our work is done on a paid-by-results basis.

“To complete the museum project, raisemore will be helping the Desert Rats Association achieve a fundraising target of £40,000 over a period of three years. We will be using our fundraising expertise and specialist tactics to reach that goal including grant making trusts, corporate fundraising, improving legacy donor relationships and innovative mobile text and online donations.

Veterans of the Division are now supported by The Desert Rats Association, which is based near to the site in Suffolk.  Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cornwall, is patron of the Association and recently pledged further support to the charity.

Artist impressions of the site show the creation of an additional hut, which will display an array of historical artefacts such as original firearms, helmets, medals, paperwork and even land mines used by the British and German troops.

Footage from the Second battle of El Alamein will be screened inside the museum, giving guests a real-life experience of the pivotal WWII battle.

The inspiration for the museum has come from Rodney Scott, chairman of the Desert Rats Association, who has travelled far and wide to build-up such an impressive collection for the site:

“Our main objective is to provide an educational museum that will give the younger generations a lifelike experience of what the brave veterans faced.”

“Already, we’ve had a lot of interest in the museum from local schools and governing bodies and we hope that the partnership with raisemore will boost our plans to educate past, present and most importantly future generations,” said Rodney.

It is hoped that the funds raised will go towards the erection of an additional Nissan hut and fundamental utilities and pieces of equipment to complete the trail.

raisemore is making a substantial mark on the fundraising world – working with a host of charities across the UK from a variety of sectors. They offer innovative ways to overcome the day-to-day barriers of fundraising for small charities – giving them the same fundraising power as major organisations.

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